Monday, April 17, 2006

Making a Garden

The weather has been wonderful... maybe even too good... I already sport three mosquito bites on my leg as a result!
The trees are beautifully dressed in their lime green clothes and a little rain in the form of a few thunderstorms has managed to set everything growing well. Well enough, that today is the 'last frost date' for my area and now I can plant some of those seeds I bought... if I can find where I hid them!
My herbs are fairing well... the comfrey is beginning to sport a couple of flowers... the bumble bees love them! I had to use the leaves when I wounded my leg trying to do some gardening though!
Motherwort is springing up in all kinds of unexpected places and I know that the betony is showing a few leaves as is the marshmallow.

The valerian is already in bud... and one of our old garden roses actually has a flower!! It has the most exquisite scent!

I am also please to report a plethora of flowers on the two pawpaw trees... now if only we could figure out how to keep out the animals from the fruit!

So, last week I decided it was time to make my square foot garden...

I started with some bricks, a couple of bags of compost, a bale of peat moss and a bag of vermiculite, oh and some weed block!

The weed block is placed over the area to be covered and the bricks are used to outline the garden.

I start to surround the garden with bricks, building a small wall... one side at a time, until all four are made, the back higher than the front.

Having done the sides, I fill the square with the mixture... 1/3 compost, 1/3 peat moss and 1/3 vermiculite... or Mel's Mix. (see Square Foot Gardening for details).

And then I mix them together to get something that looks a lot like potting mix!

And just to put it in perspective... this is how it looks integrated into the herb garden already there.
Not exactly the 'potager'... but close!

Once the garden is built, I change my mind... the back 'wall' appears to be trying to fall down, so I change the way the bricks lie around the outside. Or rather, my DH does! I am not entirely happy with the result... being convinced that the rain will wash my garden away... but I am not finished yet!

And here it is complete with a grid!

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